As many people are aware the guerrilla war in the Republic of Congo has caused much grief and suffering to the people of that country and at the Annual Church Service at Wigan Parish Church, the Dean of Liverpool, Very Revd. Justin Welby, who was the Speaker at the service, was very surprised to receive a cheque for £250 from Peter Connolly, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province. The cheque was for the Anglican Church at Goma Reconciliation Project, to train those carrying out a programme of reconciliation following the quite horrific atrocities in the conflict there.

The Dean visited the Congo earlier this year and was very impressed with the way the Project had been established and he said that the money would be well received by people who might never have heard of England never mind a small town called Wigan and he thanked the Freemasons for their kind generosity.

Do you have photographs to go with this article, Is so please send them to me, Mike